Why I Chose This

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Compared to a lot of programmers or software developers who nurtured their interests early on in life, my interest in programming, machine learning specifically, sprouted when I had a taste of it in college. It was really interesting how we are able to program a machine to be able to learn like humans, especially since we have not even fully discovered the secrets to human intelligence yet.

My interest in Computer Vision specifically developed after I saw a TV show known as 'Start Up'. Funny enough, the show was more of a reomantic comedy that focused on how to manage start-ups, but a specific scene whereby the start-up created autonomous self-driving vehicles really spiked my interest in the field of Computer Vision. I believe that there is much to uncover in terms of helping the computer 'see', and that it can revolutionize the way people live in the future, more so since self-driving cars are no longer a thing of the future.


My Projects

Take a deeper look into some of the projects I have done or collaborated in throughout my academic journey.

My Resume
