

My name is Yu Xuan Yong, I go by Yong and am currently 23 years old. I was born and raised in Singapore, but my roots are in Malaysia. I am currently residing in the United States and have been living here for about 4 years now. I am fluent in both English and Mandarin, and have intermediate knowledge of the Korean language as well. My hobbies include hiking, working out and traveling.

I am an aspiring Machine Learning engineer and am currently taking classes in order to be able to walk down that career path. I am also currently doing research under Professor Mingu Kang in the VVIP Lab. I am deeply interested in Computer Vision and hope to be able to learn all facets of Machine Learning to boost my future work. I am also highly interested in working on side projects with other highly motivated students to gain more experience in the area.

Contact Me:

For anyone interested in collaborating on a side project, or just want to reach me in general, feel free to fill out this form or check me out at one of these social platforms!


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